Topic: The dynamics of motor sequence control: from planning to execution

Speaker: Dr. Katja Kornysheva (Associate Professor, University of Birmingham)

Time: 2025/1/7 (Wed) 10:30-11:30 am

Location: 503 Meeting room, Teaching and Research Building, SH Campus, Taipei Medical University

Motor sequence control is fundamental to skilled behaviour, yet its underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Traditionally, research has relied on invasive animal models and indirect human measures. We present a novel approach utilizing non-invasive neuroimaging (MEG/EEG, fMRI) and electromyography to directly examine the neural and muscular correlates of motor sequence planning and execution. Employing a delayed sequence production task, we investigated the temporal evolution of sequence representation and its transformation into motor commands. Our findings challenge the notion of serial sequence planning, instead proposing a parallel processing model.
Furthermore, we demonstrate a dynamic interplay between high-level and low-level representations, suggesting a flexible control mechanism that facilitates adaptation to changing task demands. These results offer new insights into the hierarchical organization of motor control and have implications for understanding and treating movement disorders.
