Talk: The intra- and inter-brain neural dynamics underlying effective communication
The intra- and inter-brain neural dynamics underlying effective communication
2023 GIMBC Welcome Party, 23/09/22
2023 GIMBC Welcome Party
Talk: Characterisation and Roles of Deep-Layer Cortical Neurons
Characterisation and Roles of Deep-Layer Cortical Neurons
Student achievement, Scholarship
GIMBC Gathering Party, 23/07/14
2023/07/14 GIMBC Gathering Party
Congratulations! Our PhD students won 112th Annual Doctoral Dissertation Award!
Student achievement, 112th Annual Doctoral Dissertation Award
Talk: Addiction and drug dependence
Addiction and drug dependence
Talk: Addiction and drug dependence
Talk: Addiction and drug dependence, 2023/06/30
Talk: Self-experience and observer perspective in memory and imagination
Self-experience and observer perspective in memory and imagination
11102 Seminar Schedule
11102 Seminar Schedule
Talk: AI and Consciousness Research
Topic: AI and Consciousness Research Speaker: Dr. Ming-Chin, Lin (Neurosurgery Department, ShuangHo hospital) Time: 2023/04/28 (Friday) 15:00-17:00 Location: 504 Meeting room, Research and Teaching Building, SHH Campus, Taipei Medical University
Culture event: Relocation
2023/03/24 GIMBC Culture event: Relocation