【徵才公告】BCRC Research Assistant RECRUITMENT

【工作內容】Job Description

1.    協助執行國家科學及技術委員會、雙和醫院意識障礙臨床實驗以及臨床相關的實驗 (Assist with implementation of National Science and Technology Council/ Shuang Ho Hospital research project investigating Disorders of Consciousness.)


【資格條件】 Qualifications

1.    具備特質:負責任、積極主動、願意學習、善於溝通、良好團隊協作能力 (The four most important job requirements are: ability to take responsibility, to learn, take the initiative, and solve problems.)

2.    具備腦電波相關經驗為佳(非必要條件) (Experience with EEG would be helpful.)


【工作待遇】 Salary and Benefits

薪資依臺北醫學大學研究計畫助理人員工作酬金支給基準表支付(含勞健保),除依年資調整薪資外,可依工作表現額外加薪。一年一聘,表現優良者續聘,可長期工作者優先考慮。We adhere to the National Science and Technology Council standard for salary as well as for retirement and health insurance benefits. For good job performance we attempt to provide regular salary increases. In principle the successful applicant will be hired for one year, but this is a three-year project, so we prefer applicants who can make a long-term commitment. Indeed, the project may well last longer than three-years.


【聯絡方式】 Contact Information


應徵注意事項:1、合適者將通知面談,其他不另行通知。 2、來信請註明「應徵研究助理_(姓名)」Applicants should send CV and a cover letter to wancinglin@tmu.edu.tw, timlane@tmu.edu.tw


【徵才單位】 Organization

北醫雙和醫院大腦與意識研究中心Brain and Consciousness Research Centre


聯絡人:林小姐,02-22490088 #8790 (Contact Person)


【工作制度/性質】 Job details

工作時間:日班 Work schedule: In principle 9 to 5, but we can allow for some flexibility. What we care about is that the job is done well.

工作性質:全職或兼職 We are hiring for full or part time.

職務類別:研究助理 Research Assistant.

工作地點:衛生福利部雙和醫院 (新北市中和區中正路291) Location: Shuang Ho Hospital, No. 291, Zhongzheng Rd., Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (ROC)


【要求條件】 Requirements






Although we would prefer someone who has research experience, especially with EEG or with patients, still we do not prioritize any field of study, any degree of work experience, any particular background, nor do we require that you are able to read and speak Chinese. As indicated above, we care about the ability to learn, be responsible, and take the initiative in solving problems.


【福利制度】 Benefits: Personal leave, illness or family tragedy leave, retirement-labor-health insurance, and regular weekend holidays.




We do not discriminate: We welcome applications from people of any gender or from any ethnic group, any religious affiliation, any country of origin, etc.