Currency Exchange
General Information
For more information, you can visit the TMU International Office website:
Spooky Halloween night at GIMBC
2021/10/29 Spooky Halloween night at GIMBC
Fulong Clean up
2021/11/16 Fulong Clean Up
Food around Campus
This map shows a list of different food options if you need a quick bite. If you are into good cuisine that are priced right, here is an up-to-date blog on food near TMU (in Mandarin, but understandable after google translate): For more information, you can visit the TMU International Office website:
Campus Map
Here are the maps for TMU main campus (right) and DaAn campus (left). The two campuses are only 10 min walking distance. The DaAn campus is where the Mind, Brain, and Consciousness unit is, and where your graduate courses will take place. Sometimes we also host talks and workshops at TMU main campus. For more information, […]
In Taipei, there are many Ubike stations where you can rent a bike using your Easy Card (very easy to set up, look here). With Ubike, you can bike anywhere in Taipei, and return your bike to any station (does not have to be the original rental station). Ubike is a great choice for commute and sightseeing (do […]
Taipei Metro (Subway)
TMU is located at the heart of Taipei, the closest metro station to the main campus is the Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Station, and the closest to DaAn campus is the Liuzhangli Station. You can use Ubike to commute between the two campuses.
Christmas party, 2020
2020/12/25 Christmas party
2019 GIMBC Academic Retreat
2019/06/01 GIMBC Academic Retreat
Tzu-Yu Hsu
Director / Associate Professor
Niall Duncan
Associate Professor