Tony Cheng

Associate Professor
Career path panel: the industrial path

Career path panel: the industrial path
Talk: Decoding spontaneous thoughts from brain imaging data

Decoding spontaneous thoughts from brain imaging data
2024/03/16【A Collaborative Symposium between Taiwan and the UK】

Exploring Cognitive Brains A Collaborative Symposium between Taiwan and the UK Time: 2024/03/16 (Sat) 09:45-16:00 Location: South Building (Room SB16), National Taiwan University Speaker:– Prof. Nicholas Myers (School of Psychology, University of Nottingham)– Prof. Matias Ison (School of Psychology, University of Nottingham)– Ph.D. candidate, Chien-Ming Lo (駱建銘 ), Graduate Institute of Mind, Brain and Consciousness, […]
Exploring Cognitive Brains_2 Talks

Time: 2024/03/15 (Fri) 15:00-17:00 Location: 801 Meeting room, Research and Teaching Building, SH Campus, Taipei Medical University Speaker: Prof. Nicholas Myers (School of Psychology, University of Nottingham) Topic: Effects of perceptual learning on functional MRI estimates of visual crowding in eccentric vision Speaker: Prof. Matias Ison (School of Psychology, University of Nottingham) Topic: Combining Methodologies […]
A Collaborative Symposium between Taiwan and the UK

A Collaborative Symposium between Taiwan and the UK
Exploring Cognitive Brains_2 Talks

Effects of perceptual learning on functional MRI estimates of visual crowding in eccentric vision
Combining Methodologies for Brain Exploration: Insights from M-EEG, Eye Movements, and Single Neuron Recording
Talk: Effects of perceptual learning on functional MRI estimates of visual crowding in eccentric vision

24/03/05 Speaker: Dr. Mark W. Greenlee (Institute of Psychology, University of Regensburg, Germany) Topic: Effects of perceptual learning on functional MRI estimates of visual crowding in eccentric vision
Talk: Effects of perceptual learning on functional MRI estimates of visual crowding in eccentric vision

Effects of perceptual learning on functional MRI estimates of visual crowding in eccentric vision
2024/03/01【Tohoku University X TMU joint workshop: Improving Mental Health X Human studies】

GIMBC Seminar Schedule, Spring, 2024

GIMBC Seminar Schedule, Spring, 2024
2024/03/01 【Tohoku University X TMU Joint workshop: Improving Mental Health X Human studies】

Tohoku University X TMU Joint workshop