Talk: Neuropsychological View of Procrastination

23/11/03 Speaker: Dr. Chun-Yu Lin (National Cheng Kung University) Topic: Neuropsychological View of Procrastination
Talk: Biological Time and the Prefrontal Cortex: Function and Dysfunction

23/11/01 Speaker: Dr. Ilia Karastsoreos (University of Massachusetts Amherst, US) Topic: Biological Time and the Prefrontal Cortex: Function and Dysfunction
Talk: Bipolar disorder: from brain circuits to treatments

23/10/13 Speaker: Dr. Josselin Houenou (Neurospin, France) Topic: Bipolar disorder: from brain circuits to treatments
Veronica Wen-Ting Will

Graduate student
Chakriya Sakunputtipaiboon

Graduate student
Cindy Kuang

Graduate student
Saija Adia Lewis

Graduate student
Syuan-Syuan Hwang

Graduate student
Talk: Neuropsychological View of Procrastination

Neuropsychological View of Procrastination
Talk: Biological Time and the Prefrontal Cortex: Function and Dysfunction

Biological Time and the Prefrontal Cortex: Function and Dysfunction
Talk: Bipolar disorder: from brain circuits to treatments

Bipolar disorder: from brain circuits to treatments
Talk: Avoiding the worst decisions: Mathematical modeling, simulation, and experiment

Avoiding the worst decisions: Mathematical modeling, simulation, and experiment