Professor Claire H. C. Chang from our Institute recently delivered a lecture at the Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Medical University Hospital.

Date: 2024/08/23 (Fri) 12:40 -13:30

Topic: Uncovering the secrets of effective communication: a cognitive neuroscience perspective using hypnosis as an example

Abstract: Humans have exceptional communication skills that allow us to influence, persuade, and connect with one another, forming the foundation of human society. However, the effectiveness of communication and the influence of its context—such as dialogue background, personal experiences, and cultural factors—are not always visible at the surface level. Cognitive neuroscience, by examining brain responses during communication, provides deeper insights into the mechanisms of effective communication.

During her lecture, Professor Chang delved into the neural dynamics of interpersonal communication, using her ongoing research on hypnosis to illustrate the challenges, methodologies, findings, future directions, and limitations in communication research.


日期:2024/08/23 (五) 12:40-13:30

主題: 探索有效溝通的秘密:以催眠為例的認知神經科學視角

摘要:人類擁有卓越的溝通技巧,透過溝通,我們得以同化、說服、改變彼此,並交流和累積經驗與想法,這些都構成了人類社會的基石。然而,在溝通的當下,其效果以及脈絡的影響,如對話的上下文、個人經驗和文化背景等,往往無法僅從表面行為觀察到。因此,通過觀察溝通過程中的大腦反應,認知神經科學有望揭示有效溝通的深層機制。 本次演講將探討人際溝通的認知神經科學,並以講者目前正在進行的催眠研究為例,展示溝通研究的挑戰、方法、發現、未來方向以及現存限制。
