Student achievement

Scholarship GIMBC Name Nationality Period Scholarship Amit Rawal India 2017-2019 MOE Sergej Golowin Swiss 2017-2019 MOE Smriti Mavar India 2019-2021 MOE Sofia Ormazabal Chile 2020-now MOE Maren Sina Klan Germany 2021-now MOE Zhitong Wang USA 2021-now Fulbright Samuel Jose Sandoval Velasquez Honduras 2021-now MOST Siwahdol Chaimano Thailand 2021-now MOE Ankit Gupta India 2021-now MOE PNCC Name Nationality Period […]

【徵才公告】BCRC Research Assistant RECRUITMENT

【工作內容】Job Description 1.    協助執行國家科學及技術委員會、雙和醫院意識障礙臨床實驗以及臨床相關的實驗 (Assist with implementation of National Science and Technology Council/ Shuang Ho Hospital research project investigating Disorders of Consciousness.)   【資格條件】 Qualifications 1.    具備特質:負責任、積極主動、願意學習、善於溝通、良好團隊協作能力 (The four most important job requirements are: ability to take responsibility, to learn, take the initiative, and solve problems.) 2.    具備腦電波相關經驗為佳(非必要條件) (Experience with EEG would be helpful.)   【工作待遇】 Salary and Benefits […]

Congratulations! Elizaveta Baranova-Parfenova won the Best Poster Award

2022 Best Poster Award from Taiwan’s Cognitive Neuroscience Society Elizaveta Baranova-Parfenova won the Best Poster Award 2022臺灣認知神經科學學會年會暨學術研討會已在 r本年度4月30日完成,感謝與會者熱情參與, 讓本次會議有更加豐富圓滿。 本年度年會主題演講者為香港理工大學李平教授以及德國柏林工業大學Prof. Dr. Klaus Gramann,他們以直播方式進行線上演講和問答,提供非常精彩的研究工作經驗分享,年會當天有他會員預錄的口頭演講和研究海報、研究生的研究海報論文比賽。 透過每一次的分享與討論,激盪出更多的火花。能讓我們一次次檢視正在進行的研究工作,讓研究工作能一步步更臻於完善。 感謝本會常務理事簡惠玲教授及吳仕煒教授在本會籌辦期間付出的心力。感謝本會秘書長 李如蕙秘書,給予會務工作相當大的支援。 在論文摘要審查及優秀學生論文獎的審稿工作方面,本會特別感謝審稿委員: 黃植懋教授、鄭仕坤教授、張智宏教授、段正仁教授、鄭谷苑教授、徐峻賢教授、李俊仁及龔俊嘉教授。 同時,也恭喜幾位在本次會議選出的優秀學生論文得獎者, 傑出獎: 國立陽明交通大學神經科學研究所 Wan-Yu Shih 台北醫學大學心智意識與腦科學研究所 Elizaveta Baranova-Parfenova 優等獎: 國立陽明交通大學神經科學研究所 Hui-Ching Hsu 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 Andhika Renaldi 國立陽明交通大學資訊工程研究所 Tsai-Feng Chiu 佳作獎: 中國醫藥大學 生物醫學研究所 蔡欣珆 國立成功大學 心理學系 簡郡逸 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所 田昕平 國立陽明交通大學神經科學研究所 簡菱瑤 Here is the link:

Talk: Environmental Engagement in a Diverse World: The Relationship Between Environmental Beliefs

Speaker: Professor Heejung Kim (UC Santa Barbara, USA) Topic: ” Environmental Engagement in a Diverse World: The Relationship Between Environmental Beliefs, Social Norms, and Support for Environmental Action”  Date: 2022/10/11 (Tue), 13:00-15:00pm Location: B203, Daan Campus, Taipei Medical University Abstract: Addressing global issues such as climate change requires significant support and engagement of citizens with diverse socio-cultural […]

11101 Seminar Schedule

· September 16, 2022 Yonggun Jun, National Central University, TW Cargo transport driven by multiple kinesins in crowded environments   · September 23, 2022 Hsu Jung Lung, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, TW Glymphatic system in neurodegenerative disease   · September 30, 2022 Nagham Badreddine, Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI), FR (online) Spatiotemporal reorganization of […]

Talk: Cryptomnesia: A Three-Factor Account

Topic: Cryptomnesia: A Three-Factor Account Speaker: Dr. Christopher Jude McCarroll (Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University) Time: 2022/06/10 (Friday) 15:00-17:00 Google Meet link:

Talk: The use of brain organelles

Topic: The use of brain organelles Speaker: Dr. Alexandre Erler (Yang-Ming University) Time: 2022/05/27 (Friday) 15:00-17:00 Google Meet link:

Talk: The effects of air pollution on the brain and body

Topic: The effects of air pollution on the brain and body Invited Guest: Prof Hsiao-Chi Chuang (the School of Respiratory Therapy, TMU) Time: 2022/04/29 (Friday) 15:00-17:00 Location: 20th floor meeting, Daan campus Google Meet link: